Rules for Regional Qualifier, Semi-Finals and National Finals 2023 1. Qualification 1.1 Each league or other qualifying competition that has paid an entry fee can nominate a club(s) to represent it at the Regional Qualifier and hence potentially progress to Semi and National Finals. Under normal circumstances, this would be the Champions. Any qualifying competition consisting of 1-8 teams is entitled to one entry, 9-16 teams: two entries, 17-24 teams: three entries, 25 upwards teams: four entries. The appropriate fee must be paid for each team entry. Eligible Competitions will be permitted to enter more than one team by agreeing to nominate further clubs up to the maximum indicated above, who will be invited, without obligation, to play in the relevant JTG England Regional Qualifier of its choice on payment of the appropriate entry fee.
1.2 In addition to those teams which qualify from a 2023 league, clubs which accepted an invitation to play in either a 2021 or 2022 regional will have the right to a wild card invitation to play in the 2023 competition irrespective of whether they have been entered by their League by virtue of their performance in this year’s league. No club will play in a Regional Qualifier staged at its own course. Normally not more than two clubs from the same league will be permitted to play in the same Regional Qualifier and clubs who are hosting a regional qualifier will not be permitted to play in that qualifier. Clubs hosting a JTG event in 2023 will also have the right to a wild card invitation to play in the 2023 competition irrespective of whether they have been entered by their relevant League, by virtue of their performance in this year’s “league” competition.
1.3 A club cannot represent either the same league or two different leagues with the same team. However, a club may have more than one team representing a specific league or two different leagues where no player during the year has represented both teams. To activate this opportunity the relevant league(s) must confirm that the club has registered two distinct team rosters and there has been no crossover during the season. Two teams from the same club may not participate in the same Regional Qualifier and normally may not participate in the same Semi Final. If two teams from the same club qualify for the England National Final, one of the teams will be required to change its name for the purposes of TV etc. The cost for a second entry will be 50% of the published entry fee, as set out on the entry form, relevant to the date of entry.
1.4 Where a player is a member of more than one club which have entered the Junior Team Golf Championships that player can only represent the club which holds his/her official handicap index unless the home club gives specific permission, in writing from the club secretary, for the player to represent the club of their choice, in the JTG Championships, in isolation.
1.5The winner in each of the Regional Qualifiers will qualify for one of the designated Semi Finals, and the winner and possibly the runner up in each of the Semi Finals will qualify for the England National Final. The National Final will be filmed for inclusion in the JTG Championship TV programme.
1.6 (See also §5.2 & §1.5) Where the result of a Regional Qualifier or a Semi-Final is very close, the Championship Committee reserves the right to invite a second placed team in any final, to progress to the next stage of the competition, in addition to the relevant first placed teams.
1.7 The winners in the JTG England (see §5) and JTG Scotland National Finals plus similarly qualified teams from Wales and Ireland will normally be invited to participate in the Junior Team Golf Home Nations Championships Final. A team squad of eight, plus the Junior Team Manager, an assistant TM. and a Chef de Mission from each of the qualifying clubs will be invited as the official party to represent their countries in the JTG Home Nations Final.
2. Teams at Regional Qualifier, Semi Final and National Final 2.1 The R&A definition of “junior” applies, i.e. a junior golfer is an amateur golfer who had not reached his/her 18th birthday in 2022.
2.2 Teams for each round of the competition shall consist of six players drawn from a maximum pool of twelve players. The team pool does not have to be nominated in its entirety prior to the competition commencing. However, once a player has played for the team in a round then that player becomes a permanent pool player when identifying the twelve player maximum size of the pool.
2.3 Each team will consist of six junior players each of whom must have represented their team in at least one relevant league or similar competition match during 2023. Exceptions to this rule will only be allowed with the agreement of the championship organisers in response to a written application for special dispensation countersigned by the Club Secretary/Manager.
2.4 Names, current handicap indices and National Golf Union numbers etc of individual players from which the team will be selected, must be submitted to the Organisers at least seven days before the relevant event is to be played. Changes to players submitted to represent a team, arising out of illness etc may be made up to one hour prior to the first tee time as long as the relevant details indicated above are presented simultaneously to the “Qualifier/Final” organiser.
3. Handicaps 3.1 The maximum WHS handicap index all players is 20.4 for both boys and girls, though those with higher handicaps may of course still play, but off the maximum handicap index. Participating clubs must ensure that every player has a handicap index that reflects his or her true ability.
3.2 Where a player has a handicap index of 20.4 or is restricted to that handicap by virtue of rule §3.1 that playerwill add any handicap index adjustment shots available to the maximum of 20.4 such that their playing handicap may be higher than the stated maximum as indicated in §3.1. In fact, there could be any number of players who could be playing off a handicap greater than the stated 20.4.
3.3All players must participate in at least eight handicap qualifying rounds (of which at least four must be competition rounds) since 1st January 2023. Evidence must be provided when the players are nominated, seven days before the event. The Organisers may relax this rule if there are exceptional circumstances such as prolonged medically certified illness or enforced absence through the prior claims of international representation etc. In such cases, the Organisers must receive a letter signed by the club secretary/manager, and countersigned by the Club Captain, stating that the player’s handicap is a true reflection of his/her current playing ability.
4. Individual Scoring for Regional Qualifiers, Semi Finals and National Finals 4.1 The rounds, which will have qualifying status for WHS purposes, will be eighteen holes medal play. The course handicap will be calculated from the handicap index according to the prevailing WHS procedures.
4.2 A player’s playing handicap will then be obtained by applying a .95 handicap allowance to the course handicap followed by any mixed tee adjustment which may apply.
4.3 Each team’s playing order will be determined in accordance with the players’ current handicap indices.
5. Team Scoring at Regional Qualifiers, Semi Finals and National Finals 5.1 The best gross score, taken from the top three players in a team, plus the best four of the remaining five nett scores will be aggregated. In the event of a tie, the sixth player’s nett score will be taken into account. If the teams are still tied, then the sixth player’s nett scores over the back nine holes will be taken into account and then back six holes. If the teams are still tied, then the combined gross scores of all six players over the back nine holes and then six holes will be taken into account. In the unlikely event of the teams still being tied, the “captains” will play a one hole, sudden death, gross score play- off.
5.2 Notwithstanding the above, if the next stage of the competition can accommodate an additional team, the Championship Committee reserves the right to invite a team, to participate in the next stage as the “lucky loser”. Two teams who played in the same Regional Qualifier will not normally be invited to play in the same Semi Final unless it would entail unreasonable travelling or there were no slots available at alternative venues. The first choice of semi-final will be the right of the relevant Regional Qualifier winner.
5.3 Except at the express instruction of the relevant JTG Event Officials, or the Golf Course staff, if any member of a team leaves the Golf Course, that player shall be deemed to be a “DQ” and to have presented an N/R card. If more than two members of a team N/R, then that team will be ”DQed” and will not be eligible to enter the JTG Championship for the next two years.
6. Distance Measuring Devices Distance measuring devices are permitted.
7. Caddies/Bag Carriers/Trolley Pullers & Buggies Caddies/bag carriers/trolley pullers etc. are not allowed. However, players may use an electric or pull trolley but may not use a ride on buggy without a medical exemption certificate. The exception to this rule is when a bona fide current medical certificate is presented by a Team Manager at registration in respect of a member of his/her team the relevant player may use a buggy. However, JTG cannot guarantee that the venue will have a buggy available for the player to hire.
8. Supporters/Team Officials (See also §9 & Appendix B) 8.1 No advice on rulings, coaching, club selection etc. may be given to the players on the course. If, during the course of a round, players are in doubt as to a ruling, a second ball must be played to the conclusion of that hole, and the situation resolved at the end of the round with the designated Competition Rules official. In a three-ball group, it is players A&B responsibility to warn their opponent if, in their joint views, outside interference is occurring in respect of the third player C in their group. Should a second warning be required, then players A & B must report the incident to the Tournament Director immediately on conclusion of the round. On receiving such a report, the Competition Rules Official/Tournament Director will normally consider player C to be in breach of this rule which will lead to his/her disqualification. (In a two-ball match, it is solely player A’s responsibility to warn player B should outside interference in respect of player B occur). 8.2 Supporters must keep to the edges of the fairways and off the greens, and remain at least 25 metres from the players throughout play unless helping find a ‘lost ball’ (see below). However, supporters are encouraged to ball-spot and help look for lost balls. Supporters buggies must stay on the paths at all times.
9.Behaviour/Code of Conduct – Please see §8 & Appendix B The Organisers reserve the right to apply severe future sanctions on a club if any of its team members, team management or supporters behave unacceptably on or off the course at a Junior Team Golf event. It is the responsibility of the team management to ensure that the behaviour of themselves, their team members and supporters does not breach acceptable standards.
10. Slow Play Slow play will not be tolerated. Players will be expected to keep up behind the match in front. Particularly slow play by an individual will result in a verbal warning. The relevant Competition Referee/Tournament Director will have the right to enforce a one shot penalty or more after two verbal warnings.
11. Bad Weather Provision - Please See Appendix A.
12. Disclaimer 12.1 By agreeing to play at any Junior Team Golf Championship event, team managers accept full responsibility for any injury that may occur to any team member, and release and indemnify the event organisers from any actions, costs, damages, expenses or liability.
12.2 In order to fulfil the requirements of press and media, the team managers agree for individual players/members of the official party, both individually and as a group, to be photographed for print media and filmed for production of the television coverage of any Junior Team Golf event. Junior Team Golf agrees that it shall not use the material to promote or report on anything other than the event itself, without parental or an individual’s permission, as appropriate.
BAD WEATHER PROVISION 11.1 If for whatever reason, a Regional Qualifier, Semi Final or National Final is cancelled in advance of the day itself, every effort will be made to reorganise the competition on a mutually convenient day, when a suitable venue is available and at least 60% of the qualifiers can play i.e. four from six, three from five or two from four. If this is not possible to achieve in good time prior to the next round i.e. a Semi Final or National Final, in order to determine who shall progress a simple draw by lot will be made by the Championship Director and teams will be immediately notified of the outcome.
11.2If play has to be abandoned during the course of a Regional Qualifier, Semi Final or National Final, the following procedure will be adopted in order to determine the winner and, where appropriate, the runner up:
11.2a Where less than four players in any team have completed a minimum of six holes at the time of abandonment, the winner and, where applicable, the runner up, will be determined by a simple draw conducted by the ‘director’ of the relevant final, immediately after the abandonment has been confirmed.
11.2b Where players from one or more of the teams have not fully completed their rounds when the event is abandoned, the scores of all finalists, taken to the same “base” hole(s), will be the “counting” scores. Note: The relevant hole, referred to above and below as the “base” hole(s), will be the last hole completed, prior to the abandonment by players in the teams at the back of the field, ie who teed off last. The base hole must be the sixth or greater. Where four or more players in every team have completed a minimum of 6 holes, then the scores to the base hole (no earlier than sixth) of all players in the competition will be taken to be “completed rounds”. Hence each team will have four, five or six players who have “completed rounds” and will have recorded scores which can count towards the team score. Each team will have the same number of players counting i.e. 1 to 4, 1 to 5 or 1 to 6. Where a team has had more players having “completed rounds” the lowest ranked players score will be discarded automatically. The net scores for each player who has completed six or more holes will be computed in accordance with the CONGU rules governing such situations (Note 4 Page 64) i.e. Strokes will be taken in accordance with handicap stroke index at each of the holes in the “Completed round” A team’s score will then be computed by taking one gross score and up to four of the remaining net scores of the “completed round”, with a discard score in the normal way where all six players in every team have registered “completed rounds”.
BEHAVIOUR/CODE OF CONDUCT Junior Team Golf expects all participants to respect the “Spirit of the Game” at all our events.
12.1 As a JUNIOR MEMBER or TEAM MANAGER participating in the Junior Team Golf Competition you are expected to abide by the following Code of Conduct.
Help create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment.
Demonstrate fair play and apply golf’s standards both on and off the course.
Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.
Respect age, gender, physical, cultural and racial differences.
Tell someone in authority if you are leaving a venue or competition.
Treat competition organisers, venue staff, team management, coaches and golf club members with respect. You should NOT take part in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behaviour which includes:
Consuming alcohol or illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or stimulants.
Using foul language.
Publicly using critical or disrespectful descriptions of others.
12.2 As a PARENT or CARER of a junior team member attending a Junior Team Golf Competition, you are expected to abide by the following Code of Conduct.
Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
Discourage unfair play and help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all.
Discourage arguing with club & competition staff/officials and publicly accept officials' judgements.
Never force your child to take part in sport and never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes but support your child's involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
Use correct and proper language at all times.
Never use threatening or abusive behaviour towards children, officials, coaches or other parents.
Violations of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with by Junior Team Golf officials in conjunction with a representative of the individual(s) home club/(s).